which chicks to buy


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
I want something thats friendly with kids and is a good layer . Looking at buff orpingtons, plymouth rocks, speckled sussex or new Hampshire's and can handle the cold illinois winters
I live in illinois as well and I got red sexlinks. they are supposed to be one of the best layers and pretty hardy birds, but they eat a lot and are not technically a breed.
Any of those should be fine, bjared. Alot of being friendly depends on how they are managed hen young, and on the individuals, but those are breeds that will hopefully tame well, particularly the Buff Orps, Rocks and Sussex. the only problem with NH or RI Reds is when purchased from a hatchery they are really a "production red," even more of a mix than the other hatchery breeds tend to be, and seem to tend toward being flighty and haarder to approach. (I don't know much about sex links, myself, but many people like them.)

This article has some good ideas on socializing baby chicks:

I live in Central Illinois and currently have a buff orpington, barred rock and an Easter Egger that all tolerated this past winter just fine. We only brought them in for two nights when the tempurature with wind chill was -40. All are very good layers. The orpington wants attention when she wants attention not necessarily when you want to give it to her. The barred rock allows my son (9years old) pick her up and carry her around the yard and swing on the swing set.
My Speckled Sussex hens have been the most people friendly birds ever, but the roosters varied from wonderful to not so much. Also consider Chanteclers, and Australorps are very good layers. Marans! Rooster behavior varies within breeds, so you may have to raise several, and pick one that turns out well. Mary
I have some experience with the breeds you listed and all were raised as pets/handled daily. In my experience the Buff Orpingtons are by far the friendliest and the Rhode Island Reds aren't too far behind.

They have gotten to the point of perching on my shoulders and knees looking for attention while Im sitting in the run

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