Which cockerel should I raise ?


Apr 22, 2020
My hen( game bantam ) have has been incubating her 3rd batch of chicks ( from different roosters )

First batch , she mated with lf naked neck rooster which later on I found he is actually a hybrid and naked neck cross mix
And their hens rarely go broody ( only some hens go broody once a year others dont )
I have a cockerel from this batch

Second batch she mated with game bantam rooster with short legs their hens are super broody and has same size like mine
I have a cockerel and few pullets from this batch

Thirdly she has mated with game with long legs and taller and bigger than second rooster. His hens are super broody too

My question is which rooster should I keep In order to have offsprings which is little bigger than what i have and little less broody

Thanks in advance !!
I know story is too long 😅😅
I need a suggestion
well, if you're just going for looks and size, I would go with rooster number 2. This way you keep in within the same breed.
If keeping it within the same breed doesn't matter toyou you could very well use rooster number 1 as well. If keeping the broodyness is important to you I would say rooster number 1 is out.
If you want to keep the size rooster number 3 is out.
I would also look for a nice rooster. One that takes care of the hens and calls them when he found food and protects them. One that doesn't force himself onto the hens. And mostly one that does not attack humans or is just thinking about it.
well, if you're just going for looks and size, I would go with rooster number 2. This way you keep in within the same breed.
If keeping it within the same breed doesn't matter toyou you could very well use rooster number 1 as well. If keeping the broodyness is important to you I would say rooster number 1 is out.
If you want to keep the size rooster number 3 is out.
I would also look for a nice rooster. One that takes care of the hens and calls them when he found food and protects them. One that doesn't force himself onto the hens. And mostly one that does not attack humans or is just thinking about it.
Thanks you replied
I do want less broody offspring but dont want hybrid ones
I will be very happy if no.1 cockerel offspring are bigger and little less broody

no.1 cockerel has started roaming with neighbour hens .
I have hand raised him because he was only chick of first batch ( after weaning )
When I pick him up he just want to go away ( hormonal boy )
He is doing a good job in neighbour hood
( feeling proud 😂)

I will update you about 3rd batch chicks
I am sure they will be bigger and taller than second batch chicks 😅😅😄😄
My question is which rooster should I keep In order to have offsprings which is little bigger than what i have and little less broody

I do want less broody offspring but dont want hybrid ones

I think you are out of luck with these chickens for your goals. #1 is a hybrid. #2 is the same size. #3 says super broody. You are going to have to decide which goals are most important to you or get new chickens.

You do not say which hens this new rooster will be mated to. A rooster does not go broody so you can't tell what he is contributing to that trait genetically, but he does contribute as many genes as the hen. If you want less broody then hatch eggs from hens that don't go broody. That's about the best you can do. It may take a few generations of selective breeding but you can change that trait. For size, choose chickens to breed that are the size you want.
You gave all the practical information, but which one is preeetier? Which one will eat out of your hand? (that I would suspect is #1 though naked necks freak me out haha). I require pictures of, at least, the bantam game. ;P
Father of cockerel ( his neck is not bare )( from first batch ) was naked neck x hybrid

I am wondaring if you have crossed broody with non broody chickens
What was their offspring size and broodiness ?
I think my answer is lying there 😅😅
I dont have pics of first batch cockerel
He only sleeps here and spends his all time at neighbours ( they have only pullets )
I have pics of second batch teens

This is a pullet she is blind from left eye after mongoose attack
She is close among three
I saved her from mongoose
Now her life is now my life 😂😂

And this only cockerel of this batch
Isnt he cute 🤗😊

This is mother
She looks fierce and moody in this picture
I have only one pic of her 😄😄
She is nice and very good mother and hatcher and best broody in my neighbourhood
My neighbour gets a shock when they asks has your hen started laying eggs ?
"No,she has started incubating eggs "

I have another pullet ( 3 chicks from second batch )
I dont have her picture
Just imagine her as a smaller version of her mom ( i call her mom duplicate 😄😄)

Second rooster hens just attacks anything that comes near her chicks
It can be cattle, other chickens, leaves, humans, dogs and cats just anything
They even fights off hawks and jumps 5m high to peck crows 😂😂🤣🤣
And there is my hen which protects her chicks only from other chickens 😓😓

They are even smaller than my hen ( my hen is also bantam )
Short legs with small body they are like pocket bombs 😄😄

I just adore them
I can spend a full day watching them doing this

This is too long
I hope you will enjoy

Hand raising make them less fierce and protective ?
My second batch pullets will be like her ( step moms 😅) ?

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