Which color Easter Egger and Silkie do I have?


In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2016
Hello! I got myself a handful of chicks for my Urban Homestead

I'm just not sure which color Easter Egger and Silkie I ended up with! Here's some pics.

First up is the Ameraucana. I'm guessing they are about a week old?

Next up is my Silkie. Age/gender of this one??

And just for kicks, can anyone spot the gender of these cuties?? There a several pics of each chick. I have 1 of each RIR, BR, and BuffO.

Rhode Island Red

Barred Rock

Buff Orpington

Thanks so much!!
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It seems pretty early to tell the gender of your beautiful little babies.
You MIGHT be able to get an idea as early as 2 weeks, but that's only rare occasions.

The first chick is actually what you call an Easter Egger, rather than Ameraucana. Feed stores and most hatcheries label their EEs as Ameraucanas, while it's very difficult and expensive to find a true Blue/Black/Splash/Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana (those are some of the specific color types they come in). I can't wait to see what your EE ends up looking like when mature, because you really can't tell by the down!

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I was so confused by the Ameraucana and Easter Egger terms! lol Your comment confirmed for me that I indeed have an "easter egger"
not a true Ameraucana. But that's okay! I'm very curious to see what she (hopefully a she!!) will look like as she feathers out.
I was so confused by the Ameraucana and Easter Egger terms! lol Your comment confirmed for me that I indeed have an "easter egger"
not a true Ameraucana. But that's okay! I'm very curious to see what she (hopefully a she!!) will look like as she feathers out.
I know! I was extremely mixed up at first, too, so it's quite normal.
Labels can be misleading for sure.

EEs are every bit as special as true Ameraucanas, just in a unique way. I've got both breeds myself, and love each for their differences and similarities!


Here's a little update on how my girl is feathering out. I love her light colors! She's very sweet as well.
I'm really starting to love the EE's because of the unique variety of colors! So what exactly makes an EE? An Ameraucauna mixed with what else?
I don't think that there's a particular one breed that they were crossed with. I just know that they're the result of breeders trying to mass produce the blue/green egg color, so they were crossed with higher production birds. I actually really like them! I have 2 right now and they look completely different. It's fun watching their feathers change having virtually no idea whether they're going to actually be the color that I think they are!

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