Which hatcheries might have buff orp and light brahmas?


11 Years
Jan 1, 2009
Shelbyville, KY
I'm trying to order buff orpington pullets and light brahma pullets and two cockerels. However, I've called several places (Meyer, Mt. Healthy and Cackle) and they're all sold out until May.

Where else should I call to try to get these chicks ordered? I wanted a total of 30 pullets and 2 roosters.

Thanks so much for any suggestions!
Hi fellow Kentuckinan! Have you checked your local TSC? The Georgetown one just got chicks in today and had Light Brahmas. I didn't see any Buff Orps, although their flyer says they will have some. Each store gets different varieties I think so you might get lucky and be able to pick up what you want locally.
thanks - mcmurray's website says they are sold out of pullets until may. I haven't checked with my local TSC but I might just drive to Georgetown to get those.
oh wait, lol. I used my husband's computer upstairs for my original post and then came down to my computer to check on the thread. didn't realize I was signed in as him upstairs!

sorry! I swear I don't have a dual identity!
Sigh. I called several TSC's, including the one in Georgetown, and they said they didn't have light brahmas.

I'd just go check, since I know the salespeople aren't always chick savvy, but it's an hour away to drive there.

I guess I'll just order and wait until late April for the next delivery most places have available. Has anyone used Cackle? I think I'll order there.

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