which hen laid which egg?


May 17, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I have:
2 Cuckoo Marans
7 Buff Orph's 6 months old.
2 RIR/Lakenvelder mix 7 months old.

All laid today. From left to right: White leghorn, RIR, Cuckoo Maran, ???,???.

who laid 2 eggs on far right?
the first is a maran (probably). our marans do the same sort of speckle-y eggs. they look almost like turkey eggs, LOL.
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My guess the far right are your RIR/Lakenvelder mixes (the darker coloring coming from the RIR) as my BO's always laid a lighter tan tint egg.

Lady of McCamley

EDITED TO ADD: this egg chart from http://www.wilco.coop/stores/chickville/ which shows egg colors by breed pretty much as I've experienced (except of course it is an EE not Ameraucana as listed on their site).

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Thanks for the graphic. It is great. This all makes me want to get a web cam. I don't the Buffs are laying yet. They are all the same age 5 1/2 months. I would be getting more eggs.

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