Which Welsummer Cockerel should I keep?


Sep 2, 2021
My silver duckwing welsummer pullets are reaching point of lay, so I need to decide which cockerel I will keep for this year’s breeding. Two are poor quality, their facial features not developing very fast, so it’s a choice between my other two. These two are coming along well, treading the laying hens they are currently sharing a pen with and have nice combs and wattles.

Number one - taken a few weeks apart, not got great photos but his comb is the best of the four and he seems to be the dominant one. Stripes in the hackles are quite dark and he has a fair bit of autosomal red. Overall, I’d say the best type but not perfect colour. Red in the saddle now grown out to full silver.

Number 2: floppier, less regular comb and odd wattles, though he’ll probably grow out of that. Much less autosomal red, yellower legs and less black in the hackles. Also nicely built, though a bit heavy in the front.

PS. Sorry the photos aren’t fantastic, I can try to get some better ones tomorrow, but any advice is appreciated.

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