White Bird of Prey?


Mar 12, 2020
Northern Maine
There is this white bird where I live. Last year he caused no problems, just stayed in the field nearby my house. When he first appeared last year, he was brown, till after about spring or summer, he changed white. Well, I was playing with my chickens today and when I went inside all heck broke loose immediately. The chickens started to scream bloody murder. Lucky for me my front room is connected to the kitchen, which has a glass slide door that leads to my backyard. I ran to the slide door and saw the bird. It was flying in place (short of), with pure white feathers and possibly a bit of grey, it had yellow feet, and bright yellow narrow eyes, and I forgot what the beak looked like. It was just flying there, a yard or two from the ground, very close to the slide window, about a yard. It head was aimed towards the left and it's left eye was staring directly at me. It stayed there for about 5 seconds and then flew to the left and quickly gained altitude and speed. It was about a bit smaller than a medium sized chicken. It looked like a hawk or falcon, but it was to small to be one. I don't know if it is a bird of prey or a scavenger because about a week ago the thing flew over me holding a lump of bloody flesh (thank god none of the blood hit me) while it was being chased by four crows. I have bantams and really big chickens. Do you know what this is? My best guess is a kite, but the kite is too grey. Should I be worried?

Edit- The bird migrates during the winter.
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Maine Osprey.jpg

From below it would look white-Maine osprey??

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