White faced black Spanish enthusiasts, come hither!

Okay, I have a crappy camera phone, but this is one of my gorgeous WFBS cockerels. He is almost 4 months old. This is not one of the ones I'm keeping, although he is less aggressive than the other 3 boys (I have a total of 4 males and 11 females). He's actually kinda sweet. The only reason I was able to get such a good pic is he is the only one of the males that will take treats from my hand, and I was luring him with fresh hearts of romaine!

LOL, whoa, sounds like those vicious banties needed an 11-lb. Malay cock to beat the tar out of 'em!
Our d'Uccle cockerel is a bit on the testy side, but overall he's very gentle and only tries to bite us when we grab him head-on instead of from behind. OEG Banties are really sweet, though. Great lap roos and even good therapy birds, I hear. Our OEGB cockerel is adorable. He falls asleep in our arms and attacks our WFBS when it tries to attack us. He's our hero
Nice-looking cockerel you have! The comb-set is a lot better than our banty cockerel. His is really nice until it reaches about a centimeter past his eye, when it flies off his head, so to speak. Maybe I can upload a pic to show you what I mean.
Our bantam WF are as docile as it gets! The rooster could care less what you do with them... We just open the door and pick then up, and the hens thy are in a large inside/outside pen are quite to, pretty friendly actually and we don't spend a lot of time handling them. Never had a mean one, and everyone elses are evil... Weird!
Well ya know, Terry, ya have to remember these are hatchery stock. Very pretty, good type... bad temperament, though.

How much would you charge me for a dozen chicks, shipping and all? The post office seems to jumble up my eggs but they are good to chicks I order... go figure.
I have recieved and shipped alot of eggs and I have found the best non broken/undamaged eggs came in boxes that were not marked at all. lets keep the PO guessing and not tell them if you drop it/ throw it, it will break.
and since you are all talking about WF black spanish- I just made this for a client.


I love the stepping stone. It's beautiful. Have you thought about just selling the cut glass? Some of the hobby stores just sell cut glass shapes (usually butterflies or roses) for people to put in their own molds. Just a thought. . . .

I have two hens that came from a hatchery in an assortment. They are some of my favorites. One of them, our dog got a hold of and I was broken hearted thinking we'd loose her. We got some spray for her back and kept her isolated a couple of days in a portable kennel. The rest of the flock all had to come visit her. She's doing great now and we can't wait until they start laying. They sure are beautiful chickens. Ours were the most friendly of all of the day old chicks.
My babies are getting so big! They are 5 months old but look nearly fully grown (at least the roosters). They've developed gorgeous white faces. Out of 4 roosters, 2 are sweet & 2 are little meanies that are headed to freezer camp.

My hubby is outside getting pictures now, as his camera phone takes way better pictures than mine does. I had some great shots/poses of the hens this morning, but they came out all fuzzy on my crappy phone.

As soon as I get the pics from him, I'll post them.

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