White gooey pop and lethargy


Jul 7, 2022
Hello, a couple of my birds are having white gooey diarrhea and are lethargic.. what could this be? What should I do, do they need antibiotics or just extra nutrients and some TLC? Thank you in advance!
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Can you please post photos of the birds and poop?
How old are they?
What do you feed?
Where are you located in the world?
What's their housing like?
Have you ever wormed your birds, if so with what and the dosage?

Do a basic check to see if feed is moldy, look over the birds for lice/mites, think if they have eaten anything rotten, toxic, etc. Make sure crops are emptying overnight.

Work on hydration first. Electrolytes are always a good start for the first few hours, but do make sure they have fresh plain water available too.

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