~~White Java Clear Out Sale~~ $5-$10 @@@please Look@@@


Henely Hatchery
10 Years
May 20, 2009
Northern Illinois
Hi, I will be hatching out a large number of baby chicks soon and need to clear out my pens. I have around 20 available, 12 4-6 week olds($10) and 8 2-3 week olds($5),give or take a few. My stock comes from Garfield Farm Museum, the place where White Javas came back around 10 years ago, White Javas hadn't been seen since the 1800's. This is your chance to help rebuild a critically endangered breed. With any order you will recieve 2 free Columbian Wyandottes or Columbian Rocks, they are $3 after the 2 free birds. If you order the older birds you will be able to order a specific gender, the young ones are St.Run. I accept paypal, and feel free to ask questions. Please help, I need to clear out my chick pens.

Thanks, Tamara
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Good luck in your hatching! Ive had the dickey filled since march :eek: with no signs of slowing down
it really does pay for itself!
Thanks! I hope I have a good hatch too!(that will be a change) LOL I will have the incubator almost filled tommarow when I set 5 dozen, I already have 120 eggs in their. Time to make some dough!(that will be a change too)
it truelly is a "set it and forget it" incubator! If you get the humidity bucket you dont really have to worry about that either! Will you be offering any of your bantams for sale in the future?

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