White Jersey Giant Chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 8, 2013
Has anyone raised White Jersey Giants? Good or bad reviews? I ordered a few from a hatchery and they are a few days old. I am really excited to watch them grow and develop. From what I have read they should become quite large. How long does it take for them to begin laying? I have heard it takes longer for them to mature than most of the egg layer breeds.
Jersey Giants are gentle giants.

When I first started out with chickens I almost got a whole flock of these.

While they're slow to mature, they are one of the largest chicken breeds.

They are stunning in any color, for white birds, keeping them clean will wow a group of city dwellers, which means wash up!

With any chicken, how soon they lay will vary but its about 9 months for a Jersey Giant, sometimes more, sometimes less.

There's also a celebrity Jersey Giant on here named Steve, you'll have to look him up.
I received a White Jersey Giant as my mystery chick. So I am waiting to see what she's like. I think she is a she anyway.
I received a White Jersey Giant as my mystery chick. So I am waiting to see what she's like. I think she is a she anyway.

Haha oh cool! Did you order from Mcmurray? I have 2 mystery chicks and I still don't know what breed they are. They are still very young though.
Jersey Giants are gentle giants.

When I first started out with chickens I almost got a whole flock of these.

While they're slow to mature, they are one of the largest chicken breeds.

They are stunning in any color, for white birds, keeping them clean will wow a group of city dwellers, which means wash up!

With any chicken, how soon they lay will vary but its about 9 months for a Jersey Giant, sometimes more, sometimes less.

There's also a celebrity Jersey Giant on here named Steve, you'll have to look him up.

Thanks for the info, I will have to find this Steve :). Have you raised all of the different colored giants?
Haha oh cool! Did you order from Mcmurray? I have 2 mystery chicks and I still don't know what breed they are. They are still very young though.
Yes we ordered eighteen from McMurray! We lost two in the first few days, and now have 10 pullets and SIX cockerels!
UGH! I am pretty sure our Jersey is a pullet though. They are eight weeks old.

I took that of her several weeks ago. Several peeps on here helped me decide what she was!
Haha did you order straight run? We are going to raise our extra roosters up and have them slaughtered. Might as well get some meat out of them. I have five Blue Laced Red Wyandottes growing up, 2 of which are roosters, so I cannot keep them all unfortunately.
We had to get some of the breeds we wanted straight run, and we literally got a 50/50 split on those! Starting NEXT year we want to free range a lot, so we are going to keep whichever roosters "get along". For the rest I am going to try and find new homes for our children's sakes, they are very young and completely new to owning farm animals. We aren't quite ready to start eating Oscar, Sal, Rex . . . Heaven forbid it ever be Coco or Tinker Bell :/. We have a lot to "learn" before then. Luckily we have a heavy Amish/farming population, so hopefully I can disperse them!:rolleyes:
Right, I see what you mean. I love free ranging, its fun to watch them run around and interact. I have a fenced half acre that I run mine on during the day and they love it.

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