White leghorn egg broken inside!


7 Years
Jan 19, 2013
So lastnight I went out and found that my white leghorn had a broken egg inside her she was on the box trying to push the shell out. I left her be and went out this morning and she's up and alert and seems fine I didn't see any shell but they probably ate it but I'm still worried I don't wanna lose her. What should I do?
You should check her for any remaining shell and if found you should pull it out with a tweezer.Otherwise I dont know because it has never happend to me.Sorry!
How do I check though? It's never happened to me before either this is the first time and I'm worried
5 min im searching....lol
Hi and :welcome from Ohio. So glad to have you aboard. ZakoHero gave you a good link. You can also search egg bound hen here on BYC for others who have had the same problem. :thumbsup

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