White Leghorn gender (2) six-week olds

Why were trader joe eggs under your chicken?
Our Buff Orp was broody for the first time and I didn't want to spend much money on hatching eggs (in case she didn't stay on her nest.) She was a great broody and an awesome momma and all I spent was a couple dollars on fertile Trader Joe eggs. I gave her 6 eggs =5 developed and 1 bloodring. Only 2 hatched and she wouldn't stay on the last 3 so I assumed they went bad and tossed. It's been a great experience for our family to watch Buffy raise the babies.
In the next few weeks update us with more pics!
hoping for a good turn out for you!
Thanks Angie,
I promise I will post the final result. It might be a couple of months before I figure out if Tia Juanita is a hen or rooster, though. Subscribe to the post so you won't miss the update. It would be awesome if Tia was a girl, but I'm not betting my life on it.
We raise Brown and White leghorns and you have one of each there.
Interesting, which is which? I had Trader Joes call their supplyer to find out what type of chicken laid the eggs and they told me White Leghorns but who knows?

Since you raise Leghorns, are they for sure both roosters?
I have about forty White Leghorn pullets in a tractor at the moment all twelve weeks old and none of them with combs as big as the ones in the photos. Looks like two cockerels to me.
CALI chick.....what did your white leghorns end up being?? I have one now with a huge comb at 8 weeks old and its falling sideways like a hens would...
CALI chick.....what did your white leghorns end up being?? I have one now with a huge comb at 8 weeks old and its falling sideways like a hens would...
They were both WL cockerels and got re-homed.
That is probably why Buffy (the momma hen) kept chasing them off at 4 weeks already!

On a brighter note, the feed store Welsummer we gave to Buffy with the TJ chicks has turned into a beautiful hen with gorgeous rust colored eggs!
They are the 2 on the top/center!
I say you have two roosters for sure :-/ my leghorn pullets are 10 weeks old and do not have red combs like that at all. :( sorry!
Even pullets can grow a comb, so your thought process that just bc your pullets don't have that, doesn't mean other hens don't, therefore that alone is not a fool proof method of sexing a chicken.

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