White "membrane" found in coop


Oct 25, 2018
I have 2 Easter Eggers and 1 Buff O that are 7 months old. The Buff O took a while to lay and has only just sort of gotten "regular" in the last 2 weeks. Today I found egg white (not sure of yolk) in the coop, away from the laying boxes and there was a white "membrane" of sorts with it. There was egg white liquid in it. It almost looks like a white balloon when it pops, in pieces rolled into each other. Is this okay?
I'm not an expert by any means, but our girls laid a few shell-less eggs when they were getting the hang of it. Also, after feeding them some yogurt whey, one laid a soft egg, so we are keeping dairy out of their diet. They eat layer crumbles.
I have 2 Easter Eggers and 1 Buff O that are 7 months old. The Buff O took a while to lay and has only just sort of gotten "regular" in the last 2 weeks. Today I found egg white (not sure of yolk) in the coop, away from the laying boxes and there was a white "membrane" of sorts with it. There was egg white liquid in it. It almost looks like a white balloon when it pops, in pieces rolled into each other. Is this okay?
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It's not unusual for new layers to lay a soft shell egg...and it's fair game for that easily broken egg to be completely or partially eaten.
I've got a silkie that's been laying eggs, as well as these white membrane things. I've found them in the yard, as well as in the coop right before she lays her egg.

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