White Muscovies from JM Hatchery

Dread Pirate Roberts

11 Years
Jan 20, 2009
Are these going to be "true" Muscovies and breed? And breed true?

Not mules?

Has anybody ever used this stock to create a flock? Or are they just for the chopping block?

That's awesome. I look forward to seeing how it goes. I've got a bunch of local Muscovy eggs coming next weekend to get my meat duck program started, but I'm really interested in those beauties from JM as well.
I agree, they're definitely beauties! I ordered a batch last year and raised them under my momma musckovy who just happened to hatch a batch the same day that my white musckovies were hatched. They grew at the same size and speed until around 3months old. At that point, both the white musckovy females and males were noticebly bigger than the regular musckovies of the same sex. I also processed the white musckovies three weeks earlier than the regulars. I recommended them to a friend who had a lengthly discussion with the owner at JM in regards to breeding. She was told that these white musckovies are not mules and will be able to breed as normal. I'd be interested to know if anyone has had any luck breeding these

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