White papery membrane stays intact during pips....


In the Brooder
Mar 10, 2018
Hi, 3rd hatch here (and last) with the farm innovators forced air incubator. This has been a bit of s nightmare. Just began day 21. Last night about 5pm it seems my temp just started dropping for no reason. It kept dropping until I decided to hang a chicken heat lamp over it. That was touch and go until I got it to the proper range and ensured it would stay there. The temp remains in the 98.5- 100.5 range. Humidity in 70s.
Here is my question. When the chicks pip initially, the shell piece may fall off or crack but the white membrane remains intact. On another it looks to be a tiny slit in the membrane. Is this enough to let oxygen in? I helped my first one by making a tiny hole in the exposed outer membrane and left it alone after that. It hatched 11hours later. I see new pips this morning just am wondering if the remaining chicks (16 left) can make their own hole in the membrane when they are ready or could that cause suffocation? I’m including a pic of current pip with membrane that looks to have the small slit in it. Is this sufficient for oxygen flow? Thanks.


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Thanks so much folks. I have 2 bantams out and two full size who have pipped.


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That is excellent news!
I am sorry to hear about your incubator, though. I have two of them. Only one in use, right now, but I loved it so much I bought another. Did you get the two year replacement plan on it?
Anyway...congrats on the little newborns...er...hatches. :thumbsup
Thanks. It’s been a fun and long hatch. still more to go. I had 18 eggs, three not viable. So 15 possibles. We have 8 out of shell and 4 on the way... the last 3 are large so thinking they may still come around! This is the coolest mix. The rooster is a mix of barred rock and Americana. The regular sized hens are a mix of Americana, barred rock, and brown, then bantams of White Silkie, blue Silkie and frizzle. Can’t wait to see how they turn out.

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