White Rock Chicks with washed colored legs?


8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
I know that they are from Cackle Hatchery and this may just be a classic case of "hatchery quality" but I want to ask for input from BYC before I make any conclusions. These Pullets are not show-bound by any means they are simply my future egg laying flock. I plan on breeding them to my New Hampshire Rooster to get Red Sex-Links (my favorite breed). If they turn out to be another breed I will be disappionted. This is the first time I truly hope I have "hatchery quality" chicks to breed from.

Each Chick has grey coloring (except the largest) , this is typical for the breed stock form Cackle I believe. But none of the smaller ones have washed legs like the large on does. Is the rule the same with White Rocks and Barred Rocks with the washing? They are both Plymouth Rocks so it would make sense. All five are supposed to be hens and none of them have washed legs except one. IF the rule applies then the ones with yellow (un-washed) legs are Roosters then I am not happy! At 2.50$ a piece for day-old SEXED chicks I expect at least the hatchery's 95% sexing guarantee. (see link http://www.cacklehatchery.com/page15.html#guarantee)

for any adivce you may have to offer!


These chicks are three weeks old and none have red or colored combs to date. The smaller ones all have solid yellow legs with no washing. The largest one has washed legs and no grey markings.

Sorry for the poor picture quality. They are very flighty (common Leghorn trait...oh no!) :

He has washed legs, but would not allow me to photograph them. (The one with washed legs is in the bottom right hand corner):

The others all have grey markings and are somewhat smaller:



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