white watery poop - can it be a sign of coccid? do geese even get that? would corrid help? can geese even have that ?


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
what can white watery poop mean in a goose (gander)?
maybe he needs probiotics?
what else can it mean?
can geese have corrid would it help them at all or hurt them ?
I give ACV w/garlic on occasion
they have access to thyme and oregano

my pilgrim gander is 3 years old he has had some white watery poop just about every day since he was a teenager
I once took him to vet about it and they gave antibiotics which I gave him but it didnt fix it and the vet also said there was no bacterial infections found in the poop test anyway (after I already gave him the antibiotics)

He acts perfectly healthy otherwise
maybe its just a normal thing for him?
White watery droppings can be a sign of coccidia, some other gut infection, kidney problems, mycoplasma, he drank a lot of water, or that it was a hot day. If he’s otherwise acting normal and his droppings are usually normal it probably isn’t much of a worry.

What feed is he on?
Sounds good. I was worried he was eating layer pellets,too much calcium long term can cause kidney issues.
well there is oyster shell available for his wifey goose but I think only she partakes of it :) I am going to try a few days of on and off probiotics in one of their water buckets , can't hurt maybe help. He acts fine and looks handsome as can be.of course he is a mental case now because breeding season but thats a good sign of health lol

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