Whites from fresh vs store-bought eggs

Here (New Zealand) I find store-bought eggs to have watery whites that just fall out, and my own eggs to have thicker whites that hold together. Both slide out of the shells though. Refrigerated vs room temperature also makes a difference, with room temperature eggs being easier to work with.
Are you refrigerating your own eggs?
Only the oldest 3 dozen at a time. The rest stay on the counter in egg holders. And with the ones that are refrigerated, I wash 1 dozen at a time and keep them in a designated carton that holds only washed eggs. When those get used up I wash a dozen from the next oldest carton in the fridge and rotate a dozen more from the counter into the now empty unwashed carton. Rinse and repeat.
Maybe it has to do with store-bought eggs have the bloom washed off. Maybe this makes the shell more porous? Just a guess.
Maybe. But I wash my eggs before using them. Then again, it could have something to do with *what* commercial producers use when washing theirs. I just use a little Dawn in warm water to get the worst stuff off the shells.

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