Who breeds chickens on here?

I am breeding for bbs d'Anvers
Work in progress. (WIP)
I one blue but she died from drowning in a pail. Turns out the Self blue from Boggy Bottoms is blue splash, so breeding to this unrelated black

His comb was beautiful until somebody bit the spike off. (Yikes)
All the Boggy Bottoms cuckoos also died. (We got a lot of roosters, no hens at all in that color. He didn't send all cuckoos, limited stock
We got a cuckoo pullet from a single barred cock and possibly a Dominique then bred her back to her father.
Here we have this pullet.
We also had another one from a pure mother. But she also drowned. We need to spread suicide awareness and get rid of buckets. That happened one other time with a d'Anvers pullet as well.
unrealistic breeding venue, considering she's probably one fourth Dominique bantam, but aren't those the most beautiful stripes you've ever seen on a d'Anvers? Plus she turned out better type wise than the black pullets produced. Also, yes, she most likely has slate legs. Or slatey white.
We produced blues. They got killed by sickness. :hitagain, fault of a Dominique bantam.
Also, I have a pair of bantam Buckeyes.
We had a pair.
Then the pullet got egg bound and died with her first egg.
Don't have a picture of the new one we got a week ago. She's ugly cause she's molting.
Cockerel he got pecked in the eye, which is why it's puffy. They are extremely resistant to sickness.

Also, LF Buckeyes. Don't have great photos of our males on this device. Here is a pullet and an older one.

I have been most successful in breeding white and grey calls.
In only a few generations, the beaks were refined from hatchery to breeder quality on the whites.
I have been most successful with them because only a couple have died. Ducks do not drown, get egg bound (well, these don't, they don't lay a lot of eggs) or get sick or have parasites.
(And their spikes don't get bitten off?)

The greys were bought this fall, so unrefined, but we produced 19 whites this year, and have six ducklings in the brooder right now of the next gen.
Sorry that these are all horrid photos.
Right now i'm mainly focusing on my call ducks, But I breed a little bit of everything.. upload_2018-11-21_17-35-30.png upload_2018-11-21_18-35-6.png upload_2018-11-21_17-42-23.png upload_2018-11-21_17-43-6.png upload_2018-11-21_18-20-38.png IMG_4643.JPG IMG_4640.JPG IMG_4645.JPG upload_2018-11-21_17-45-34.png upload_2018-11-21_18-20-19.png IMG_9175.JPG upload_2018-11-21_17-36-47.png upload_2018-11-21_17-37-28.png IMG_6260.JPG upload_2018-11-21_17-43-6.png
I also breed seramas, Mostly for color and size rather than stance. upload_2018-11-21_17-59-57.png upload_2018-11-21_18-0-30.png upload_2018-11-21_18-2-13.png upload_2018-11-21_18-3-2.png upload_2018-11-21_18-5-1.png upload_2018-11-21_18-5-57.png upload_2018-11-21_18-6-16.png upload_2018-11-21_18-6-43.png upload_2018-11-21_18-7-5.png upload_2018-11-21_18-7-49.png upload_2018-11-21_18-8-24.png upload_2018-11-21_18-8-6.png
Other poultry I breed are,


Heritage turkeys for meat.

Saddle back Geese

Frizzled & smooth Polish

Ayam cemanis

Porcelain D'uccles

Red golden & Yellow golden Pheasants.

I know this is out-of topic but i'm also breeding pigs now~ :woot
I have one breeding pair, The sow is a duroc/Hampshire mix and the boar is pure Duroc. My sow's due to have her first litter the beginning of March so i'm pretty excited about this~


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Got some better pictures of my new breeder today. I'm really liking his color. A lot of times these roos turn out with a lot more white. This guy is more what I'm trying to breed towards. He has a good tail, nice comb, good type. Can't wait to get some eggs incubating :p He's right around four months old. I'm looking forward to seeing him fully feathered out!
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