Who else has a solar oven?


9 Years
Aug 24, 2010
I have a Global Sun oven for a little over a year....love it to pieces. Best purchase. I've docked stews, whole chickens, bread, quiche, cookies, hardboiled eggs, rice, beans, whatever else I can throw in there. In the Texas summer, this proves to e awesome because I don't heat the kitchen up, and I love that the cooking is free.

Anyone else have one?
We got one two or three years back. We use it mostly for vegetables and making cornbread, but my wife is into weaving and had some natural fiber thread that she was concerned might be bug-infested. She cooked it in the solar oven one day. Solved the problem.

You need to be around to turn it so it always faces the sun, but it does not heat up the kitchen and it does a great job cooking certain things. Sweet potatoes and beets are at the top of my preferred list.

I've got to figure out how to add a pic....what type of solar oven is yours?
Oh, I like that yours is bigger! This is an old photo of my Global Sun Oven...I rarely bake bread anymore, but I loved that I COULD! I have a salmon and fingerling potatos in my solar oven right now!

How long does it take on average to cook your food in the sun oven.

Sounds fun!

I don't know if it could work because we don't get much sun.
Cook time is obviously dependent on sun availability (even the lightest haze can drop the sun power), what you're cooking, if you're around to reorient the solar oven, etc, it sounds more complicated than it is, but it's really not. It isnt as fast as a regular oven, naturally, but they are amazing!

Hey! I have a FB page called "Chickens Who Cross Green Roads"....it is a site dedicated to all hobbies green, including solar oven cooking, chicken keeping, composting, gardening, so please feel free to fond it and "like" it! I'd love to have more like minded people on it!

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