Who else is waiting for Spring?!


◊The Spontaneous Pullet!◊
15 Years
Aug 19, 2008
arrgghhh! The suspense is killing me!

Yep, it's that time of year again for some people. Time to put the bator away until this Spring/Summer.
I am one of those people. LOL

I just finished making my homemade, new styro-bator. But as soon as I finished building it, my dad says, "We can store that in the garage until Spring. It's too cold to hatch chicks."
I wanted to try and talk him into making a large brooder box for the chicks, because I knew it would be hard to wait ALL winter. But that didn't work. So, I reluctantly placed the bator in the garage for the winter.

Is anyone else waiting impatiently for Spring to come??? I know that some people hatch all winter. But is anyone reluctantly storing the bator somewhere safe for this winter?

ohh boy......this is gonna be a LOOONNNGGG winter!
LOL I still live at home, but am 21 and pay for all my expenses. I hatched some guineas and a chicks a couple weeks ago, but my bator is now in storage

I figure it this way, I have 8 birds keeping me busy now(one blind) , by the time they go out to the coop I will be ready to be rid of in-house birds for a while, and come spring I can start hatching again!! Not to mention all of the planning time I will have!! I want turkeys, & more guineas, just not sure which kind/color!!

Get to planning, you will have lots of time to research which breeds you want and how many.
I'm waiting on spring also.
This site is so addicting that I want to try hatching some chicks this spring. It will be a long cold winter.
Aside from everyone (but me) hatching, I'm ready for a 'short' winter. I just put up my lawn mower for the season, I hope. I want to be done with canning but someone is always bring me something. I can and keep some of the jars/goodies AND I'm done weeding! BUT, I am planning on how to house some meat chickens that I would like to get next spring. It can wait a couple of months;)
I am also one of those who are waiting for spring, just because I don't want to deal with raising chicks through the winter. I am especially anxious, because I HAD to put my bator away when my flock got sick with Coryza this past summer. I figured then if I waited until next spring to hatch some more, the new hatchlings would be safe. Boy, it is getting harder and harder to wait though!
I can't wait until spring. I want to try and incubate some of the RIR and BR-mutts from my flock. And by then hopefully I will have a new big coop and pen to house 3 groups, layers, silkies and meaties. Right now they are in 2 different areas on the property.
I was planning to close up shop soon and store the bator after this batch of eggs but the prospect of my Cochins laying in a couple months as well as "hopefully" have some new pullets/hens very soon who'll be laying even sooner only spurs the need to keep it running. I can't go out and buy these really nice birds and then eat their eggs. I mean my gosh!

I know how you feel though. I had to wait till I got out on my own before I could have any livestock or chickens. So be glad your family lets you have some of the animals you want. Good luck with your self control. We're all here for you. Vent away.
Yes, I'm glad that my dad lets me help him hatch chicks, sell eggs, etc.
My mom, on the other hand, does NOT want chickens! LOL
I asked her if we could get a couple, to you know just have around the house to eat bugs and ticks, and to enjoy. But she is just not an animal person. My dad is. He's the one with 6 parakeets, 5 finches, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and lots of fish! LOL my mom just has 2 dogs(one is my step-dad's dog) and 2 cockatiels. I was shocked when she even bought 2 Hermit Crabs for my brother! LOL

But anyway, I'm so glad to have such an awesome dad who shares the love of chickens! I also have a friend at my school who's mom comes on BYC lol so I have 2 people that I know who like chickens(not including my siblings)
Store the incubator what kind of crazy talk is that next there will be anarchy in the streets store the incubator NEVER.

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