Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Is it normal for hens to lay at night? Two differant mornings I have found an egg dropped from the roost and broken on the poop board.
Not usually but anything is possible when their hormones are just kicking in... Takes awhile for things to even out. Make sure your nest boxes are ready!!!!!

The boxes are ready and already being used. I think out of the six hens two or three are laying in the boxes. The others are dragging their feet a little. Got two eggs today out of the box and of course the one busted on the poop board.
My girls are now 20 weeks and it is HOT! I have 5 RIRs, 4 Barred Rocks, And 2 Americaunas. A few faces are red :0) I am sure the heat here in Texas isn't helping, but I am so ready to see that first egg!
My girls are now 20 weeks and it is HOT! I have 5 RIRs, 4 Barred Rocks, And 2 Americaunas. A few faces are red :0) I am sure the heat here in Texas isn't helping, but I am so ready to see that first egg!
Me too

We had a really nice, cool week last week, but now it's in the 100s for about six days and I am losing hope.
My hens are all 20 weeks. Luckily I have a friend with a large flock who shares eggs with me as we are still eagerly awaiting the first egg. We went to IHOP today after a dr. Appt that I had. Not thinking, I order a plate that contains eggs. After eating fresh eggs for months now, those IHOP eggs tasted bland and kinda gross. I can't wait till my own hens start earning their keep so I can quit bumming delicious, fresh eggs from my friend! I knew there was a difference in fresh and store bought but, wow, what a huge difference it is!
Me too :(

We had a really nice, cool week last week, but now it's in the 100s for about six days and I am losing hope.

Very hot here in Southeast TX as well. I read that you can freeze a milk jug of water and put it out there and they will huddle around it to stay cool. I just emptied a milk jug and have it freezing... Our coop is raised and our hens get underneath it to be shaded. I was thinking of putting it under there and see if it helps. Ours don't seem to be suffering or show signs of overheating but I wouldn't be surprised if they put off starting to lay until this heat let'up.
Me! I'm waiting on my first egg! Oh the waiting! I refuse to buy any more store eggs lol my two girls are 14 weeks and 3 more are supposed to be around 20 weeks.
Very hot here in Southeast TX as well. I read that you can freeze a milk jug of water and put it out there and they will huddle around it to stay cool. I just emptied a milk jug and have it freezing... Our coop is raised and our hens get underneath it to be shaded. I was thinking of putting it under there and see if it helps. Ours don't seem to be suffering or show signs of overheating but I wouldn't be surprised if they put off starting to lay until this heat let'up.
I hadn't though about that. I don't have any milk jugs but maybe I can figure something else out.

Poor things...I see them panting, even though their run is shaded and the coop is under a shade tree. I insulated the roof of the coop because I knew the summers were hot, but I'm not sure that helps when it doesn't cool down at night.

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