Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Im still waiting. These are my first chickens and we are looking forward to one any day now.

Our girls
@ 14 Weeks this coming Sunday
2 Blue Andalusian
2 EE
1 Barred Rock

@ 18 Weeks tomorrow
1 Rhode Island Red
Hi thanks for the welcome, its a great site, I started reading this prior to buying my girls, so I had an idea what to do. How many chickens have you? And what ages?
Hi I have six.A barred rock about 7mths.She is laying .Took her time not long started.3 orpingtons .2are laying they're about 7 or 8 months.1 was a rooster replacement and a little younger.1 araucanax RIR not laying but did the egg squat a couple of days ago so nearly there.1 araucana X leghorn just picked up this morning! already laying a blue /green egg apparently. Your chickens should be laying pretty soon! Hybrids lay younger than heritage breeds.It's so nice to collect eggs and eat them so fresh.I'm sure they taste different.Good luck! Post pictures and of your coop too. Cheers Penny.
[/quote] I think your gonna have to wait a while longer. They don't look developed enough yet to lay. Their wattles and combs will be big and red.
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. I am hoping my girl Rita is going to lay soon.
My 7 chicks are 7 and 6 weeks old and I cant wait for them to start laying even though I am still going to have to wait like 4 more months.
I just want to fast forward a little so I can get my first egg!  My girls are only 15 weeks old but I am really excited for that first egg! I know I probly have to wait another month or two.

I have
3 Dominiques 
3silver laced wyandottes
3 buff orpingtons
3 East eggers
3 Welsummers

I think my Dominiques will be first to lay.  Whats your guess? 

I am pretty sure my Easter eggers will be the last to lay because they are the ones I am most excited about.  And thats just my luck.
My Hens are 24-28 weeks old and nothing yet! They are black australorp...so I know how you feel waiting for thesebeggs to arrive! I have 3 older hens and one of them is an easter egger, she was the very first to lay! Good luck and keep your hopes up! ~Kaitlin
My girls are about ten weeks old now... I know I still have a while to wait but I sure am anxious for my first egg!! I think my easter eggers will be last to lay too.. I've heard they're slow pokes!

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