Who else is waiting for that first egg?

Our girls are 17 weeks old and I have their nesting boxes ready and waiting with a wooden egg in each. The Speckled Sussex are getting nice combs and wattles, but the EEs hardly have any combs and no wattles. I'm guessing any day now, but am I wrong? Probably (since I thought Stan the Man was Stella until he crowed a couple weeks ago).
Lol its okay it happens and I doubt Stan is too offended. I can relate we have 14 week old silkies that I still am not sure about. And before them we had a porcelain d'uccle that we kept going back and forth on but then he got very distinct saddle feathers that made it quite obvious.

One of our roos crowed at 8 weeks another 9-10 and then we have one that still doesn't crow at 14 weeks. We also had a roo that just started crowing regularly a few days ago at 18 weeks.
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My Dominique has been squatting when I reach for her for a week or so - but starting a couple of days ago, it's almost constant and she lifts up her wings and sticks her butt out. In fact today she hopped in the tub of sand and sphagnum moss I have set up for their dirt baths and assumed and held "the" position on her own. Should I expect eggs really soon or do her comb and wattles have to get more rounded and waxy first? As you can see, they're already quite red. Photo was taken 2 days ago on her 18-weeks "birthday."

Hi Y'all! This is my first year and I have 2 leg horns, a Delaware and 2 bared rocks... They are about 24 weeks. They are acting different when I reach down to pet them, 1 they are letting me pet them and when I do the hunch down lift there upper wing. And then I run my hand down her back her rear end rises like a cat.. Is this a sign they are about to start laying?
My 5 barred rock hens are 20 weeks old. Any idea on how soon to expect the first egg. I'm new to the chicken business. I also have 3 white leghorns and 3 brown leg horns with one RIR.
My 5 barred rock hens are 20 weeks old. Any idea on how soon to expect the first egg. I'm new to the chicken business. I also have 3 white leghorns and 3 brown leg horns with one RIR.
They'll be laying 'soon.' But how soon, soon will be is something nobody can answer without being able to see the future.
Could be any time really, tomorrow or 3 more weeks.
Got my first egg but only from one of 5 girls. My chickens are 20 weeks today. My RIR has been laying one everyday since 18 weeks with only one day off! So 3 days ago I found 2 eggs in one day which means another started!? Whoever it is laid it in the same nest box as the RIR. I haven't gotten another "2-egg" day since, and am wondering if the other(s) could be laying while free ranging. They come out of the coop around 8:30-9am and don't return until dusk. The RIR lays in the morning but has also returned to the box to lay in the middle of the day. (I'm very proud of her). Do you think the other girls will learn from her to lay in the nest boxes? The other 4 girls are a golden laced Wyandotte, buff orp, and black Australorps. I'm hoping the others will follow suit; going to have to look around tomorrow.
Well I am new to chickens this year too but I can tell you that I was told by some experienced chicken owners that locking them in their coop and or run until they get the hang of it may be necessary or you may be going on an egg hunt every day. However they can lay a few eggs in my experience when just beginning that have days or even weeks in between them. Its all about getting their system in sync. Today we found a nest they hid in the shed with 8 eggs in it and we have no idea how long they've been there or who layed them. What a bummer but not worth the risk. Our girls to my knowledge have only been laying a couple weeks and only three birds out of 18 that I'm aware of but who knows anymore. Do you have a golf ball or dummy egg in each nest box? That will help a lot and encourage them to lay there. What's odd is before today(I think I let them out too early as I was up earlier than usual) the last three days or so we have gotten at least 2-3 eggs a day in the nest boxes. I think the important thing is being patient while their bodies work out the kinks and realizing that their egg laying may stutter at first. And if need be lock them in for a day or two and see what happens. But be mindful of heat. There was over a week in between our first egg(soft shell) and our second and then our second and our third I think this was her body but also due to a heat wave we had, and of course don't lock them up if it is extremely hot in the coop.

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