Who else is waiting for that first egg?

There has a been a stray dog around. Two made it back. I'm so sad my favorite little momma can't befound. Just a pile of feathers. My neighbor said he daw the dog earlier.
There has a been a stray dog around. Two made it back. I'm so sad my favorite little momma can't befound. Just a pile of feathers. My neighbor said he daw the dog earlier.

I'd have to say, when a dog got one of my chickens this spring, I was very thankful my husband took care of the remains. If he wasn't here I would have been horrified I'm sure. Maybe it's a blessing you only found feathers. It is a terrible scenario either way. Sorry again.
I'd have to say, when a dog got one of my chickens this spring, I was very thankful my husband took care of the remains. If he wasn't here I would have been horrified I'm sure. Maybe it's a blessing you only found feathers. It is a terrible scenario either way. Sorry again.

I really don't have any respect for people who let their dogs run loose on other people's property.... I'm so sorry for your loss...
Today I remembered that 2 years ago I measured the distance between pelvic bones on the pullets to see if they were ready to lay. It ended up being very accurate. Today I checked my silver laced wyandottes. Her face and comb turned red a couple weeks ago. Sadly her bones are still together with no space to pass an egg so I will have to be patient. The New Hampshire Red on the other hand just started to get that rosy glow and her bones were 1 1/2 finger widths apart. She'll probably start laying in 1 1/2 to 2 weeks if I remember right from 2 years ago. The girls are presently 17 1/2 weeks old. It's nice to know that some eggs will be coming soon.
This morning I caught my Buff Orpington and My Americauna checking out the nesting boxes! I sure hope this means eggs soon:)

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