Who Has The Pet With The Most Strange Quirks?


11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Okay, let's have a contest. The person with the pet who has the strangest quirks gets a big round of applause.

I submit my shepard mix, Kieba.

Here are her odd quirks.

She likes to remove items from one room and place them in another room. Stuffed animals, dirty underwear
any thing soft that she can fit in her mouth is moved from room to room.

She has to shut doors with her nose. I have no idea why. SHe will get behind a door, push it shut and then reopen it. If the door to her crate is open, she has to shut it too.

When I come back in, she won't follow unti I shut the door, then she enters through her own doggie door. She won't go in the open door with me.

She likes all spheres. That in itself is not strange, but she has repeatedly brought me marbles to play fetch with. I am terrified that she will swallow one, so I keep telling my children to keep those things off the floor. Strangely, she can find lost marbles when we can't.

She is a leaner and will follow me through the house with her head against my thigh.

I don't know why but she likes to sneak behind people and then suddenly go through their legs. She is not a tiny dog so she knocks me off balance everytime she does this.

I have already written on a different thread that she likes to knock our rooster off when he is mating with the hens.

If you have a pet who acts stranger submit their habits for the contest.
Well, My dog Toby sleeps on his back always.

The strangest thing he does, however, is that he will get so excited to see you that he will present his butt in the air (head on ground) and want you to "spank it" and if ya do, he spins in circles on his head/face with glee
I wish I could get a video of it.

Our dog, Garmin, always sleeps on her back
But, the strangest thing she does is, she will pick out a favorite toy, and walk around the house with it... Whining, and whining. She doesn't want us to play - she brings it to us if she wants to do that
It sounds like something is seriously wrong, and at first we'd jump up and check on her thinking she somehow managed to hurt herself! She is very vocal about the fact that she is carrying her toy around!
Our German Shepherd Sara sucks on her blankie...

We used to have an orange tabby that was mental. One time he was playing with a shoe string on my husband's work boot and something scared him. He took off with the shoe lace still in closed mouth and he ran to the open kitchen island where pots and pans were stacked on the bottom. He still forgot to let go of the lace so when the boot went under with him the pots and pans were scattered and clanging everywhere. That scared Jack so bad that he literally pooped a trail to the bedroom. What a mental cat!
I used to have a cat named spud about 15 yrs ago.He would get in the cabinet shut the door with his paw and meow till I came and found him. He'd be so happy I found him he'd rub against my legs like he'd been missing forever. I'd go in another room and he'd do it all over again. I had to go get locks for the cabinets eventually cause he was driving me nuts.
Mojo Chick'n :

Well, My dog Toby sleeps on his back always.

The strangest thing he does, however, is that he will get so excited to see you that he will present his butt in the air (head on ground) and want you to "spank it" and if ya do, he spins in circles on his head/face with glee
I wish I could get a video of it.


I would love to see that. It sounds hilarious.

Wow. You all have strange pets too. Now I don't feel so alone with my goofy dog.
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oh forgot this but spud didn't like my sister in law Vivian every time she'd come over and sit on the couch,he would jump on the back of it grab her with both paws by the head and bite her head. Crazy cat!
I have a cat who chases her own tail and likes to sleep in the chicken's nesting box. The nesting box I could cut her some slack on but chasing her own tail? I thought cats were above making fools of themselves like that.
All of my dogs, and my birds have weird little quirks. I have a BIG Boer goat, Walter, and a Border Collie, Taxi. When Walter lies down on our deck, Taxi goes over and lies down, holding one of Walter's feet and cleaning out in between his hooves; Walter just lies there with an odd look on his face. My sheep chase my Great Pyrenees around the yard. My barn cat will sit for a long time and clean either one of the dog's faces or one of the goats or sheep's faces. My baby goat likes to get in the dog's full kiddie pool.
I have a Segegal parrot who only likes me...NOT my husband, but my husband is in charge of giving my cockatiels new water every night. As my husband squeezes between the two cages, the parrot grabs his shirt and won't let go.

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