Who Has The Pet With The Most Strange Quirks?

I have two Greyhounds they both sleep upside down with there legs spread out & up. They look like giant frogs!

Also, one of my dogs likes to lick anything that is metal!
I have an old cat that has recently decided she liked to type on the computer keyboard, at night. I'm thinking I'll log onto BYC one day as I leave for work and see what she posts.

My female yorkie licks the air. Over and over and over, lick, lick, lick.... She also "dominates" her blue bear. She is in charge of blue bear and hates it when he makes a power play for top dog.
My cat, Macy, waits in the bathroom till we get out of the shower, then goes in and sits on the wet floor and drinks the drips on the walls and floors. She also likes to play with the water in the toilet.

Our dog Buddy will attack his back feet if he sees them. He growls, bites and spins in circles trying to get at them.

Our neighbor's dog who has adopted us (along with her 5 puppies) always brings something when she comes to greet you. She always picks up a leaf, a rock, a piece of straw, whatever she can find and brings it to us with her gums pulled back from her teeth in a big toothy grin.
I have a cocker that will sit on the truck seat backward and lick the rear window while riding down the street. I always tell him to cut it out - the people behind us are going to think you are "special" ;-)

He also likes to hump the cats.
I have a housecat, "Lacey" that sits next to me and "nurses" my side - she even "kneeds" her paws against me like kittens do when they are nursing their mother.

"Clair" another house cat - has the need to clean dog ears. Waits for them to lay down...and starts the cleaning routine.

"Abbie" our Corgi licks blankets until there is a huge wet spot...she'll do it for hours.

"Keenan" our labradoodle...spends the nights out doors with Jax our schnauzer. While Jax partrols the entire farm he weighs all of 12-15 lbs. Keenan collects, sticks, cans, horse apples, flitches/snippets of paper, pinecones, peacock feathers, deer bones, plastic - anything he can find and lays them on the deck by the patio door...every night. One night he even brought up a hammer that my son left outside after pounding in a fencing staple.

"Ozzie", little black mixed poodle/terrier. Always has a "dolly" to carry around. It could be a sock, washcloth, mitten, stuffed animal - whatever...carriers it around everywhere - even outside when he goes out.

What a group.
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