Who Has The Pet With The Most Strange Quirks?

I have a LARGE orange tabby cat that drinks his water off of his paw. He dips his paw in the water and then licks it off. He wont drink directly from the bowl..guess he thinks its bad manners!
This is him with my DD's (his girl) shoe.

Hmm, well this is more funny than strange but...

In the mornings I feed the horses first and then go open the chicke coops doors. As soon as that door opens they are in line and they start the race. They all run as fast as chickens can run to be the first to clean up crumbs the horses are dropping out of their feeders. Priscillia will fly. She is so fat though so that is funny just to watch her by herself but to see all 60 something chickens in a race to get the crumbs is hilarious. If I could upload a video to show I would...LOL

My pig likes to play with the our pitt. I took pics of that this morning and posted in this forum though.
The piggy back ride....

All the pictures of pets are adorable.
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Our lab pouts if you take her collar off. She will just sit there staring at you until you out it back on. My mother in law had a cat that would flush the toilet everytime my sister in law was in the shower.
I use to have a pet mallard duck,when ever someone came in the yard with sandals or flipflops hed rush right at them and attack there toes!He was my special lil guard duck he also liked by the front door and when every soemone walked by on the street he would fly to them and attack there legs!It was sooooo funny,he also likedto attack dogs,chase cars ect.
I have enough animals you would think I would have lots of stories.

I have a turkey that will go up on the house deck and stand in front of the dog fence when the dogs are out. He will lower his wings and tip his tail from side to side while stamping out a beat on the deck with his feet.

I have a duck who thinks he is a turkey. He hangs out with the two turkeys and preens them to the extent where the turkeys have no feathers left on their breasts. There are other ducks here that all stay together, but he will never be with them, just hangs with the two turkeys day and night.

My llama is in love with my mini horse. He plays "wheelbarrows" with the mini. The mini just rolls his eyes and keeps on doing whatever it is he is doing, usually eating. They are both boys. Once used a picture of this as a Christmas card. Said "Have a Merry Christmas and a Humpy New Year".

Have a goat who loves people. If you are not paying attention to him, he will suck on your shirt and not let go. Won't chew it, just holds it in his mouth.

Above goat also likes to "help". If you are carrying a bale of hay, he will come over, stand next to you, push his head up against it, and walk with you as you move it. He will also lick your car to death.

Have a llama who does not like it if you take one of the horses out of the pasture. I will snap on a lead rope to the horse and start leading him out, and the llama will run right at the horse and "body slam" it. Won't go after me, just the horse. Just barrels his whole body and crashes into the horse's side.

There is a pig who can open the barn door. It slides open, so she comes and goes as she pleases. A goat that can unlatch stall doors and lets his buddies out, or sometimes the horses. Chickens who always ride on the backs of the sheep, goats, llamas, and even the horses.

Every day they are always doing something funny, or amazing.
I have:

A bat-rat-big-shark-antelope dog mix with an extra floppy toe that goes on power save. Her eyes stay open, but you can actually watch her powering down. Her head drops but she freezes in whatever position she was sitting in.

System shutdown in five, foour, thhhhrreee, twooooooo, ooooooonneeeee.

You can jump around, clap, whistle, but she is on power save.

It was once suggested she was having min-seizures, but we had her tested and, nope! The lights are on, but no one is home.

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