Who is laying eggs???

I hear you! We are home a lot too, and we are constantly doing something "chicken"...

As for the laying and crowing, they're in the right age range, but it varies with when they'll do what, even within the breed. They're all slightly different. Glad your pullet is back to normal!

We raise Silkies each year, and some crow early, others later; some lay early, others later. There is no set time, but 4-6 months of age is the norm...
I hear you! We are home a lot too, and we are constantly doing something "chicken"...

As for the laying and crowing, they're in the right age range, but it varies with when they'll do what, even within the breed. They're all slightly different. Glad your pullet is back to normal!

We raise Silkies each year, and some crow early, others later; some lay early, others later. There is no set time, but 4-6 months of age is the norm...
I have Miss Henny-Penny and her two friends locked in the hen house today hoping she will lay her egg (if she lays one) in the nest box. We are putting hay in the loft today so hoping that doesn't freak her out too much. It's bad enough I have a freaked out horse to deal with don't need a silly henny to be needing some TLC also haha!

Will she settle into a time of day to lay or will she just go with the flow of things. My niece's hens lay in the morning and they all have their egging done with by the time she lets them out for the day by 9am....
Will she settle into a time of day to lay or will she just go with the flow of things. My niece's hens lay in the morning and they all have their egging done with by the time she lets them out for the day by 9am....

Hens lay on about a 26-27 hour cycle, so there will be eggs some days, and you won't get any on others. The time of day will change too as their cycle doesn't match our 24-hr clock. That your friend's birds are on a such a cycle goes against the norm as far as I know.

Heavily commercialized breeds (the ones bread specifically for egg-laying) might lay more frequently or in a tighter timeframe, but there is no guarantee. They are birds and living creatures after all.

Silkies generally lay less than full-size breeds, but some of ours are pretty regular with about 3-5 eggs per week. Here's an article that will explain the egg-laying cycle of hens in general:

And another about Silkies' egg-laying cycles:

Run some searches, though, and you'll find all sorts of information on egg-laying. One last tip: don't try to force the laying; let it come naturally........ :)
Hens lay on about a 26-27 hour cycle, so there will be eggs some days, and you won't get any on others. The time of day will change too as their cycle doesn't match our 24-hr clock. That your friend's birds are on a such a cycle goes against the norm as far as I know.

Heavily commercialized breeds (the ones bread specifically for egg-laying) might lay more frequently or in a tighter timeframe, but there is no guarantee. They are birds and living creatures after all.

Silkies generally lay less than full-size breeds, but some of ours are pretty regular with about 3-5 eggs per week. Here's an article that will explain the egg-laying cycle of hens in general:

And another about Silkies' egg-laying cycles:

Run some searches, though, and you'll find all sorts of information on egg-laying. One last tip: don't try to force the laying; let it come naturally........ :)
Thanks for the info - that's great. So far she has laid 4 eggs in 5 days (I suspect she laid one on Sunday but I was putting in hay and she went all squawky and I didn't pay any attention to her. I think the activity made her go hide it somewhere!

Yesterday morning I kept her in the Hen House and she laid her egg in the nest box. Today she is all squawky so I again put her and her 2 sisters in the hen house. Hope she lays that egg soon, I was in a Team Meeting and all I could hear was Henny-Penny squawking away hahaha!

Personally I was hoping for a 2 egg week layer hahaha I don't go through that many eggs! They are so small though that I had the first 4 yesterday with a regular sized egg for lunch scrambled :) I thanked Henny for her efforts afterwards!

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