Found our first dead chicken today when we opened the coop. Someone pulled chicken wire apart at a seam approximately 4 feet up. Small claw marks seen in a strip of foam adjacent to area (will try to get pictures if helps)- cat diameter or slightly larger. Not sure if attack happened between 8 and 9 pm or in middle of night. At 8 on I closed the run door because they free range by day. My son wouldn't sleep so I didn't make it back out until 9:15 to close the run door (usually its closed by 8:30). Everyone seemed fine but I didn't check closely and it was dark. This morning door was 1" up (it's a drop down door on a track, guillotine style)- not sure if it was like this all night or post attack.) There were piles of feathers both inside and outside the door. Everyone roosting was untouched but my broody Marans is plucked on her neck and head with 2 canine teeth type punctures over her jugular. Still alive for now but weak. My broody Orpington is gone but there was a pile of blood tinged feathers under hole in run and my shepherd brought me back 2 wings from the woods behind our home. Assuming nothing else is left. Seems like a cat could not haul an 8+ lb chicken up 4 feet of chicken wire but its an animal small enough that my marans escaped. I had an attack midday of a broody 4 lb Ameraucana who also barely escaped to tell the story- 2" by 1" gaping deep wound where the back of her head was ripped off (could see her spine). Punctures under her throat. We have seen neighbors cat, fox, coyote, and a fisher cat lingering around coop at dusk. No raccoons seen but we back onto over 1000 acres of woods. Who did this? Aside from closing hole, putting latch on door, and aborting bedtime to lock up chickens earlier, anything else I should do? I know it will be back to try. Would a rooster have helped? I have avoided a rooster because I have two small children. My hens are so scared they won't get off their roosts this morning. Aside from half dead hen, only one down is Orpington sister, sitting in her sister's nesting box. So sad and amazing to me that they recognize their blood relatives (we hatched everyone together but only got 2 Orpington hens). Nobody went into the run when I opened the door so I closed it again. We will all mourn today. Sorry for the poorly written message- I'm still in shock.