Who is using a surrogate hen instead of a brooder?

Breed lots will go broody and raise chicks; silky -cochin-orpington- game- ameraucana-to name a few.
age 1st year layers will and will every year after some will brood more than once a year.
My game hens and buff orpington hens all have been broody some twice this year.

good to know about orpington n cochin hens i have 5 of them now justing waiting for some them to start laying
I have 5 broodies in the same nest box complex...it has 6 individual boxes...3 on top, 3 on bottom. 2 hens sharing a nest in the bottom left box, 1 hen in the middle bottom box, 1 hen in the bottom right box, plus 1 hen in the top right box. Hen in top right got off the nest to eat and I noticed a broken egg....something had obviously hatched but no chick to be seen. Apparently the chick hatched up there, fell out of the nest and was stolen by one of the other broodies on the bottom level. She is happy as a clam with her new baby and the top level hen is clueless and still babyless. All's well that ends well! LOL
Good to know about other broodies. I'm wondering if I have one for life, or will she lay eggs eventually? I don't plan on any more chicks this year and we don't have a roo. I'm keeping our hen in the brooder outside in the hen house with a light on. She is keeping them safe and warm and teaching them. Should I be putting in a small roost? Or worry about it as they get older?

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