Who keeps a chair in or near the coop?

Yep, that's the question alright.
What an amazing thread. I thought it was just me that had a chicken watching chair. It began :yiipchickthis spring when I started picking Missouri primrose blossoms and feelding them to the chicks. They loved them so much it became a morning and evening event...so I need a place to sit. Now it's just for fun.
It is a great thread! We often have neighbors drop in to watch in the early evening, and stay until the chicks put themselves to bed.
Great fun. I should pop popcorn!

We just finished our coop building - need to landscape

I bring a step stool in to sit on inside the run to visit.... otherwise we set up the "playpen" plastic fencing with out chaise lounge chairs inside and talk about our day and visit with the girls!A great way to unwind at the end of the day!
i have a chair in and outside run dont sit in the one in the run cuz well it's "their" chair now covered in poo lol so i got a lil swing that i sit on and i'll get one of my fav babies or whoever just wants to sit with me and swing and pet them while watching the others or go out eat a watermelon and half it with everyone well not really half they get most of it im lucky if i get a bite
I have two folding chairs outside the run. Nothing more relaxing then sitting out and watching them play in the evening. I have a penned in run area, but have a larger pen that is made with moveable fencing. I sit outside this fence. I recently bought a hammock and once this gawd awful heat is gone, I plan to move it out back by the chickens. I love watching them.
I have a nice bench in my coop. I can't figure it out, nobody ever gets on it so it's never poopy, just rather dusty. Just take a broom and sweep it off. I sit out there every day after they come in from having treats and some time in the yard. My favorite place!

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