Who keeps a chair in or near the coop?

Two lawn chairs plus a picnic table nearby. The girls come over and join us while we view their evening free-range time. We sip our beers and they enjoy their BOSS treats, or watermelon, or tomato, or whatever's on the treat menu for the day.

This 'family' time with our chickens has done more to warm them up to us than anything else. Plus, it's great relaxation time.
This chair serves many uses. Now it's as a launching pad for the babies, 'cause the big girls won't share.
I end up sitting on the ground just outside my run. I can watch my Chickens for hours. I guess moving a chair out there is the next logical step!
I have two chairs and a small table out by the run. Then I went out and bought 3 little chcirs for the granddaughters.
Everyone enjoys the chickens and loves to watch them grow. I love watching and talking to them. It is very relaxing.
My hubby comes home often to find me sitting in the run w/ a couple on my shoulders and the rest huddled round. He always says, "what are you doing?" One of these days he'll quit asking! lol! Gotta talk w/ my babies....

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