Who Should Go To The Fair?


12 Years
Aug 7, 2011
Cameron, NC
My Coop
My Coop
I called the man in charge of the poultry at our County Fair and he said they don't have to be any specific color, you just enter what you have and they will use The Danish System of judging. So who should I enter??

This is my Buff Dundotte male and Royal Purple Pied female.

This is my Lavender female.

This is my Pearl Pied male.

My Buff female.
I vote buff dundotte & buff. But only since I don't like pied, so don't know if my vote really counts!!

I recently hatched a white & was thrilled. But the thought of it making all those pied babies I really don't like!
In that case I'd chose Buff Dundotte male and either lavender female or Buff female. Do you have 1 that is easier to handle than the others? Personally I like symetry, which is why I do not chose the pied.
Got everything ready to go.. I will take them in the morning to enter them! I will post some picture of them went I can!!
Hopefully it goes ok, I am not sure about them staying in a cage for a whole week! They are used to running around wherever they want to. Hope they don't go crazy!

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