Who should I keep?


Apr 15, 2020
The sex link’s are 7 weeks old. I had to cull my scarlet male, and now I have to decide which of his sons to keep. I need to breed a son with my 6 scarlet/roux’s to get a new male so I can start hatching sex link’s again. I’ve narrowed it down to two contenders, both are rosettas, one has a lot of tux and less mess haha, but the other is unusually red. Here are some pics:

Here’s the red boy in the back:

Another of him next to another Rosetta for color comparison. He’s on the left, the other is not in the running:

Here’s the other more tuxy boy, I like that these boys don’t have a lot of lacing, and their barring blends subtly. He’s in the back standing up on the far right.

Unrelated to the choice, In the last photo you can see one of the little pharaoh tuxes, they are 3 weeks younger. I have 3 pharaohs in the tux batch, I’m hoping one is a hen to put with the future red male I plan to produce with this pick.
I like the red guy, personally. What are their temperaments like?
I don’t really interact with them as much beyond feeding and care, they seem fine, the tux is a bit more feisty, but not crazy or anything. Since they hatched in good weather, they moved out sooner, so we aren’t as well acquainted plus I don’t try to really name them or get attached until I decide who to keep. I’d say at this stage the red guy is probably more calm, by a small amount.
I don’t really interact with them as much beyond feeding and care, they seem fine, the tux is a bit more feisty, but not crazy or anything. Since they hatched in good weather, they moved out sooner, so we aren’t as well acquainted plus I don’t try to really name them or get attached until I decide who to keep. I’d say at this stage the red guy is probably more calm, by a small amount.
Double vote for the red guy, then. :)
I’m keeping the redder one, I named him Copper, and he and the 4 red ladies moved into the main pen today. I did the ACV, plus I gave them new sand and wood chips. They are acting totally normal and no one is fighting. The other male is being sold Saturday, he hit the lucky lottery, someone with an abundance of hens needs more males.
Wow, I would definitely say he hit the lottery. Seeing how Copper has a name I'm thinking he is a winner too lol. That's awesome to hear that the ACV is working for combining them.

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