Who's egg is this?

This hen laying the white eggs was the last one we added to our flock and we never had the white eggs until the day she came. So confusing!

I know this isn't the best picture but these are the 2 that we were told we light brown leghorns. We have 2 of them the same age and only 1 white egg. We have gotten all our chickens with quite the space between them so it's been obvious who lays up until now. These 2 have been laying eggs that look like the 4th egg in the bottom picture. I could be completely wrong or have the breeds wrong? Sigh!
California gray is a barred breed that lays a white egg.
yes, it is, Enola. I thought of a Barred Holland but those are pretty darn rare so figured it couldn't be one of those. Of course, with genetics, sometimes you get weirdos. A friend of mine has a Splash Orpington who lays green eggs and she's definitely an Orp, but there is some little gremlin gene in her lineage that screwed up her egg color. That's a highly unusual situation, but it can happen.

So, check the earlobe color on the bird first and if it's red, then the egg is probably coming from the Leghorn. One of your birds has the coloring of a Brown Leghorn, but it very chunky for that breed. That is a narrow bodied breed. And all Leghorns should have white earlobes.
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