Who's Scheduled For A July 4th Hatch?


11 Years
Dec 17, 2008
Cleveland, Tn.
Hi all
I was just wondering if anyone else had eggs incubating?
I have set 14 brown leghorn eggs that should hatch around July 4th.
Hi Debbie! I should be hatching the 4th! I set 8 Silver Spangled Hamburg eggs from Becki (rizq) and 6 Silkies and 5 Ameraucana from my birds (to keep them company) on the 13th. I didn't notice the hatch date til just now.
I set a group of 2 doz on the 12th and wasn't thinking about the SSH coming in the mail or I would have waited and set them all together (temporary mind-loss).
I'm going to candle all mine set the 12th/13th on Fri.
When will you candle yours?
Good luck!

Ive got 13 coockoo marans and 7 bbs bantam orpingtons that should hatch on the 3rd or 4th. Its my first hatch, and all arrived from the mail. Im hoping they are productive. They are in a co-workers incubator, so I must wait without watching.
Hi Lisa,
I figured I should probably candle around Saterday or Sunday as they will be 7 & 8 days into incubating. Should I do it sooner or later?
I bet your birds will be pretty! I have never seen the hamburg breeds your hatching before.
I ordered the leghorn eggs to gain a good brown leghorn rooster to go with the 4 pullets I got from the hatchery. After I ordered the eggs I finally found a brown leghorn rooster
but once I got him home and looked online I see he isn't pure
oh well he can stay til he is replaced! So we can be hatching partners
what do ya think? Good luck with your hatch too!
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Good luck with your hatch! It must be hard to have someone else hatch for you? Maybe you can get them to put a cam on them so you can still watch?
I have 42 California Valley Quail, 51 Bobwhite Quail and 38 French Red-Legged Partridge eggs all due to hatch on the 4th of July. I am excited for all of them to hatch. The Bobwhites eggs are from my own breeders so that makes it a lot more fun.
I have 24 various breeds in for my first hatch right now. Despite running the bator for a day prior to setting, I've had some temp fluctuation and so I'm not certain I'm not just slow cooking eggs
, but if they hatch it should be right around the weekend of the 4th. I wasn't planning to hatch at all, but won the eggs at a recent swap and had to give it a try.

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