Who's the pecker?

TC chicken

In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2016
Tipp City, Ohio
All my chickens have finally stated laying, but the last few days it seems that there is a culprit in the hen house that is pecking holes in some of the eggs. Is this a jealous hen being vindictive? Why would they do this? I don't think its from lack of space as my hen house and nesting boxes are fairly large and I only have 5. Any ideas? Thanks for the input.

P.S. There is plenty of straw in the nesting box to cushion the fall.
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Hens aren't jealous or vindictive, those are human traits.

Is it just a small hole? Are the yolks of the eggs being eaten?
Might be rats.
It may also just be 'curiosity pecking'...had that problem with pullets this year
New layers can have thin shelled eggs...and other funky iterations.
Soft and thin shelled eggs that are easily broken are fair game for eating IMO, and will not necessarily lead to egg eating.
Collecting eggs as frequently as possible when you have new layers and having hard fake eggs/golf balls in the nests can help deter the curiosity pecking.
Definitely collect all the real eggs every night when you lock up coop.......
......rodents generally only 'work' at night, during the day they could well become a chicken meal.
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Awesome..... Thx!
Also after thinking, my girls lay in the morning. We collect before work/school. So it would have to be between the time they lay early morning til we leave. Curiosity sounds probable and they are all new layers.

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