Why are most commercial eggs white?

Really? I think my black-sex links are so pretty, with the black and the speckled brown. Adds a nice little flair, although I admit others are definitely more intricate in looks.
Marans and orps yolks are more orange than white eggs, all birds are fed same food and forage the same pasture.

So genetics do affect yolk color and perhaps the taste, but taste can be subjective, color difference is obvious.

I doubt this actually has to do with color genetics. I'm sure it's due to other genes. Some of my EE hens lay a darker yolk than others and my japanese bantams tend to lay a lighter yolk no matter what they are fed than the other breeds. The shell color was not selected for when breeding japs so they can lay everything from nearly white to quite brown and my cartons of pure jap eggs are often quite a mix of various creams, pinks, and the odd looking couple brown eggs amongst them. The outer shell color has nothing to do with what's inside of it. That's not to say there can't be genes that do lean towards darker yolks or slight flavor differences but most of the time the differences in feed probably cover them up since feed has a greater impact.​

I was referring to the sexlinks that came from a commercial pullet house. I also have black sexlinks but mine are bigger, prettier, and fluffier than the ones that come from the commercial stock.

That probably has a lot to do with environment and diet. I picked up some RIRs from a culling pen that were small, had dull feathers and enormous bald spots. Less than a year later, I can't tell the difference between most of them and the ones I've raised. Some never did fill out though.
Actually the best egg layers are white leghorns.they eat the least feed for all the eggs they produce. After most companies are done with them they sell em to soup companies becouse there to small and to tough to sell on the shelves at stores.
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That actually a big part of it. Cleanliness and purity have been uppermost in the mind of egg eaters since the early 1900's.
That actually a big part of it. Cleanliness and purity have been uppermost in the mind of egg eaters since the early 1900's.

I knew us new englanders marched to a different drum

Yeah, there are lots of people out there who prefer white eggs for some reason. I told a co-worker that one of my hens lays blue-green eggs and she said "Ew, I wouldn't eat those!" I was like

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