Why are my chickens plucking out each others fluffy bum feathers and eating them?


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio
I thought at first it was just one picking on another but they are all doing it to each other. And why are they eating them? Is this normal? If not how do I get them to stop!
They have oatmeal every morning mixed with yogurt,fruit or vegies. They have layer feed in their feeder mixed with pulverized egg shell. And fresh clean spring water everyday.
They are six months old and all have been laying for awhile now. My first one laid at 14 weeks. What do you give them for protein?

I keep mine on the grower feed(18%protein) and offer oyster shell free choice. I believe most layer feeds are 16%, unless you get it from a feed mill. I have read that they eat more in the winter to keep body heat up. Increasing protein can do this.
I get my feed from a feed mill!. I read on here something about feeding them cat food. I wonder if I gave it to them as a treat would they get the shot of protien they need from that.
Feathers are high in keratin protein so iron, lean proteins, and vitamin A should help improve skin, hair, nails...feathers. Fish is a good source and my chickens LOVE canned tuna. I left it out for a cat but the chickens devoured it. I don't know if it is a recommended chicken food but it would be high protein and hens seem to like it. Also cottage cheese and yogurt are a favorite around the coop. I see my hens occasionally eat a feather but usually one that is on the ground and it seems to be mainly out of curiosity/ the need to peck everything at least once.
well hubby will kill me but I am going to give them one of his cans of tuna.These feathers are not laying on the ground I witnesses them plucking from each other! Thanks at this point I will try anything!

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