Why are my girls not laying like they were?


Dec 21, 2018
Central Florida
Any thoughts on why my girls decreased their egg production over the past few months? I have 12 girls, 3 RIR, 3 Australorps, 2 Barred Rocks, and 4 Welsummers. They are 15 months old and are my original flock. Their egg laying has decreased to the point that I am only getting an average of about 7 eggs a day. On a rare day I will get 9-10 but I was getting 10- 12 eggs PER DAY when they were 10-12 months old. I have not changed their feed, location of coop, anything at all . I did have a rooster for a little while but he has been gone now for at least 2 months. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for your replies in advance I really appreciate it. One more Item to mention when I had my rooster he pulled the feathers out of some of their backs and they haven't grown back in yet...could something like this be part of the cause?
Any thoughts on why my girls decreased their egg production over the past few months? I have 12 girls, 3 RIR, 3 Australorps, 2 Barred Rocks, and 4 Welsummers. They are 15 months old and are my original flock. Their egg laying has decreased to the point that I am only getting an average of about 7 eggs a day. On a rare day I will get 9-10 but I was getting 10- 12 eggs PER DAY when they were 10-12 months old. I have not changed their feed, location of coop, anything at all . I did have a rooster for a little while but he has been gone now for at least 2 months. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for your replies in advance I really appreciate it. One more Item to mention when I had my rooster he pulled the feathers out of some of their backs and they haven't grown back in yet...could something like this be part of the cause?
I hav
Any thoughts on why my girls decreased their egg production over the past few months? I have 12 girls, 3 RIR, 3 Australorps, 2 Barred Rocks, and 4 Welsummers. They are 15 months old and are my original flock. Their egg laying has decreased to the point that I am only getting an average of about 7 eggs a day. On a rare day I will get 9-10 but I was getting 10- 12 eggs PER DAY when they were 10-12 months old. I have not changed their feed, location of coop, anything at all . I did have a rooster for a little while but he has been gone now for at least 2 months. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for your replies in advance I really appreciate it. One more Item to mention when I had my rooster he pulled the feathers out of some of their backs and they haven't grown back in yet...could something like this be part of the cause?
Here in Indiana, a sudden heat wave lowered our egg production for a bit.
An incomplete list of what can cause a decrease in egg laying:
Change of food (type,brand, or amount)
Sudden heat or excessive heat. Excessive heat, I would assume, would cause problems starting In may/June-not in February.
Sudden Violent stress (like a raccoon or dog attack on any flock member)
Running out of water too often
Stress such as new flock member
exposure to a chemical (paint in coop, pesticide spray anywhere, medicine, Etc)

others That don’t seem to apply to you:
Sudden cold weather
Less daylight
Old age- usually at least 3 years+
Stress from not enough space (did you confine them differently or in a different space?)
An incomplete list of what can cause a decrease in egg laying:
Change of food (type,brand, or amount)
Sudden heat or excessive heat. Excessive heat, I would assume, would cause problems starting In may/June-not in Fe
An incomplete list of what can cause a decrease in egg laying:
Change of food (type,brand, or amount)
Sudden heat or excessive heat. Excessive heat, I would assume, would cause problems starting In may/June-not in February.
Sudden Violent stress (like a raccoon or dog attack on any flock member)
Running out of water too often
Stress such as new flock member
exposure to a chemical (paint in coop, pesticide spray anywhere, medicine, Etc)

others That don’t seem to apply to you:
Sudden cold weather
Less daylight
Old age- usually at least 3 years+
Stress from not enough space (did you confine them differently or in a different space?)
Thanks TK421 looks like I'm doing everything correctly I'm thinking maybe the heat but in Florida it is always so hot but it started very early this year...unfortunately. They have been in the same coop & run since I had them it is plenty big they have lots of room to get away from each other. I also let them out in their chicken yard when I come home from work.

Sudden Violent stress (like a raccoon or dog attack on any flock member)
Running out of water too often
Stress such as new flock member
exposure to a chemical (paint in coop, pesticide spray anywhere, medicine, Etc)

others That don’t seem to apply to you:
Sudden cold weather
Less daylight
Old age- usually at least 3 years+
Stress from not enough space (did you confine them differently or in a different space?)
Yes 2hotchicks it has been extremely hot here and it started early back in March.....
I've been putting a frozen milk jug in my little coop (have 2 chickens), offering frozen treats, & hosing down coop & run roof, & the run dirt floor. My chickens enjoy standing in cool water when they're very hot.
Can you offer yours any help coping with the heat?
Yes thank you 2hotchicks fortunately we have had a break this week with the storm in the gulf so we have a lot of rain which has cooled it down some. We have a tree which does give them good shade but I really like the idea about the frozen treats! I think part of the problem is they are trying to grow back feathers on their backs and this is taking more nutrients out of their system. I got some new feed today which has 18 % protein instead of the 16% that I was using I read that this could help them with the egg laying.
The feathers broken by the male won't grow back until the birds molt in fall.
Do your birds free range?

This is what I've found works best to help them beat the heat:
Deep all day shade is best but....

I give a dose of Sav-a-Chick electrolytes/vitamins about once a week during heat waves.
It really seems to help....started this after they saved a heat stroked hen once.
Can mix up a smaller amount, just wrap the packet tight and store in a dry cool place.
Always have plain water available too.

BIG(9x14x2") chunks of ice last all day for wading, sitting, and sipping.
Much more useful to the chickens than frozen foods and treats.

Make space in your freezer!

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