Any thoughts on why my girls decreased their egg production over the past few months? I have 12 girls, 3 RIR, 3 Australorps, 2 Barred Rocks, and 4 Welsummers. They are 15 months old and are my original flock. Their egg laying has decreased to the point that I am only getting an average of about 7 eggs a day. On a rare day I will get 9-10 but I was getting 10- 12 eggs PER DAY when they were 10-12 months old. I have not changed their feed, location of coop, anything at all . I did have a rooster for a little while but he has been gone now for at least 2 months. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for your replies in advance I really appreciate it. One more Item to mention when I had my rooster he pulled the feathers out of some of their backs and they haven't grown back in yet...could something like this be part of the cause?