Why are my hens eating their own eggs?


Feb 11, 2020
I just now figured out that the reason my hens are not laying is now I’m finding shells near the main nests that the three like to lay in. One hen is sitting there most of the time.
Sure mustard makes a mess, but the look on a chickens face when they start eating what they think is a yummy egg, then get a nice bite of mustard is priceless. Absolutely priceless.
Did you see it?
Get it on video?(that would be GREAT!)
Did it cure your egg eating problem?

Most times it doesn't work.
Chickens don't have heat receptors so spicy stuff doesn't faze them.
Hard fake eggs are more effective without the mess.
Does she show the signs I posted?
Seriously, how long has she been sitting a nest?
The longer she's been broody the longer it may take to break her.
now dried grass clippings. Then, after a few days and another mowing, I would dump more bins of grass clippings into the run. I repeated

nitely has same signs. She surely read the book!

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