Why are my roosters feet like this


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2022
I’m pretty sure he’s a black copper marran bantam mix but
His feet are weird and I don’t know why might have something to do with the breed


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How do I trim over grow toe nails
Trim the ends with nail clippers. You can use the kind made for people, or the kind made for dogs and cats.

Chicken toenails have a quick in the middle, just like dog or cat nails.
If you cut into the quick, it hurts the animal and it bleeds.
Try to avoid cutting the quick, but do not panic if you do-- it will get better in a few days.

You can sometimes see the quick if you hold the foot up and let light shine through the nail. The quick is a darker part inside light-colored nails. You cannot see the quick in dark-colored nails.
For any nail color, you can just cut a bit off the end and hope for the best. That usually works well enough.
There isn’t much to see His leg is completely covered in feathers
He may have mild Scaly Leg Mite. It can be a problem to treat with heavily feathered legs. Check where you can see by parting the feathers on his feet where any scales are and if they are raised from the scales below/leg.
Coating his feet, and any leg you can get at, with Vaseline will kill the live mites. You will have to do it again at least one more time after 7 days to kill any mites that hatch from the eggs.
An alternative is to get a Permethrin spray and spray his legs and feet. You'll need to do this again after 7 days as well.
His toenails are fine. It is best not to use clippers of any sort if you feel you must trim his toenails. Clippers, even sharp ones tend to create hairline fractures in the nail because the clippers don't fit the profile of the nail properly and closing the clippers deforms the nail. Use a nail file and round off the tips.

As a general rooster care tip, vaseline his legs on a regular basis, once a week say.
He may have mild Scaly Leg Mite. It can be a problem to treat with heavily feathered legs. Check where you can see by parting the feathers on his feet where any scales are and if they are raised from the scales below/leg.
Coating his feet, and any leg you can get at, with Vaseline will kill the live mites. You will have to do it again at least one more time after 7 days to kill any mites that hatch from the eggs.
An alternative is to get a Permethrin spray and spray his legs and feet. You'll need to do this again after 7 days as well.
His toenails are fine. It is best not to use clippers of any sort if you feel you must trim his toenails. Clippers, even sharp ones tend to create hairline fractures in the nail because the clippers don't fit the profile of the nail properly and closing the clippers deforms the nail. Use a nail file and round of the tips.

As a general rooster care tip, vaseline his legs on a regular basis, once a week say
thank you i’m taking the Vaseline approach for now until I can get some medicineThank you for all the help

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