Why did she do that???


8 Years
Jun 15, 2011
Yesterday, I went outside to the hens, and found Dominique or Barred Rock feathers everywhere. They were in the closed in part of the coop, the run, and their area to free range. I pet my BR (Brownie) and she was fine. Acted as usual. I went and pet my Dom (Oreo). As soon as I touched her, she turned around and bit be, right on the finger. I was thinking that maybe the other girls were plucking Oreo's feathers. None of my girls had ever tried to bite me. They just do the usual 'peck my feet and legs' thing. Do you think that she bit me because she might have thought that I was one of the girls trying to peck her? And when do they start molting? I was thinking that maybe Oreo is molting. Can they be aggresive when they molt? Why is she doing this?!?!?!

Thank you in advance!
I have some molting right now and they don't like to be petted when they are molting. They seem to be a bit tender until the new feathers are all the way in.
First full moulting is usually about 18 months but can be much earlier or later.

That's a good reason not to kiss your chickens. Know someone that almost had an eye pecked out.

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