Why do my babies crouch and open their wings?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
Corpus Christi, TX
My chicks have started a new behavior and I'm curious if it is normal. They crouch and spread their wings. Not necessarily huddled together either. It's almost as if they are "sunning" under their lamp. Is this normal? should I be concerned?
As long as there's no panting. Your brooder looks very small, have you stuck a thermometer in there? Ideally, the un-heated end of the brooder should be down around 70* so they can get away from the heat.
They are Buff Orpintons. They have room at the other end of the container but haven't tried to get out from under the light. But I raised the light a little higher up to see if it makes a difference. They are not panting.

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