Why do they all lay eggs in the same box????


11 Years
Feb 21, 2008
The Dalles OR
Hello all my question is why do all my hens lay there eggs in the same box??I have six very nice laying boxes all the same size same stuff in them all boxes are close together!! but they all want the same box. I will have seven eggs some times in one box. It is like they stand in line and wait, one goes in lays hers egg, out she goes and in goes another!

The only reason I was wondering, we have to go out of town next weekendand our oldest son is hen sitting for us!!! and god forbid he misses a day the box is going to be so full of eggs.

I have fourteen hens but half of them are not laying, at this point, guess it is to cold for some and they are not all settled from there move to my house. Just wondering if anyone else could shed some light on this for me.

They like to lay where there is already an egg. Do you have any fake eggs, such as golf balls or plastic easter eggs, in the other boxes? That will help them get the idea to spread out their load among the other boxes.
I used color Easter eggs w/ my hens, filled w/ sand (just to give it a little weight) they figured out in no time where to lay.. I have 4 nest boxes, but I have two hens that lay in the same box, why I don't know, as long as they are happy and laying (in the box) I'm happy
I think it might be calld togetherness, don't forget they are very social animals and loved to be with each other.

Mine are always cuddling together inside or out. :aww

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