Why Do You Like the Hatchery/Hatcheries You Order From Most Often?


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
(Mods can move this thread if I've put it in the wrong forum)

When I got the in-town chickens I chose Ideal because their minimums were within my target flock range. When I got the current flock in late June I bought from a farm store because they had chicks while the hatcheries were booked out into early September. I want to order more chicks next spring, so ...

What factors go into your choice of hatchery for ordering chicks? Which hatchery/hatcheries do you like best for what reason(s)?



Breed Availability?

Chick Quality?

Customer Service?

I like My Pet Chicken. I love their website, and customer service. They also have a 100% sexing guarantee, and they sex bantams.
Proximity is #1A, Breed Availability is #1B, Customer Service #2

I've had production and hatchery breeds like Cinnamon Queens, Buff Orpingtons, Barred Rocks and Cornish Rock X for a long time and I used to order the cockerel specials in a previous lifetime. I've gotten in as many as 100 plus chicks at one time through Cackle and Mt Healthy. Cackle mostly because these are close than others. Never had any weak chicks or diseases. Never had a doa from either hatchery. I used to order from Ideal and had the most doa- not that many but their snarky attitude on the phone when it had been their fault - and refusal to pay for doa chicks lost me as a customer over ten years ago. Have never missed them. I just recently ordered from MPC and received 5 healthy little chicks in the middle of summer. I didn't know they were middlemen at the time, was just excited to see some pullets I wanted cause I've hatched way more than a fair share of cockerels this year.

I've had more problems with shipped eggs than any hatchery I've ordered from. I'm now moving toward breeder's chicks and breeds not carried by hatcheries and miss the ease with which I always found what I used to be looking for and the relative safety of the experience. Dealing with private individuals can be risky and some breeds are very expensive.
What factors go into your choice of hatchery for ordering chicks? Which hatchery/hatcheries do you like best for what reason(s)?

Mine usually comes down to breed availability. Both what breeds they offer, and what breeds are actually available to ship when I want them.

When I want chicks, I have often been picky about the exact week they ship (foster to a broody hen, or split an order with someone who needs them out of the brooder by X date.)

At various times, I've ordered from McMurray, from Ideal, and from Cackle. I was satisfied with the quality of the chicks each time.

I don't think I have ever contacted any hatchery about doa's, so I cannot tell about their customer service for that. Other contact with customer service seemed fine to me. ("Can you add a chick to my order? I forgot one breed" has been the most common.)

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