Why does my Ancona male duck chase me?


Feb 24, 2015
I have two females and one male and the male has been a biter since he was a duckling while the other two never have. They are a year old now and the male runs after me all the time and nibbles on my pants toes and feet but sometimes he bites my feet hard enough to bruise as well as my hands. He doesn't hiss at me but follows me everywhere trying to bite my toes, he only does this to me, nobody else. Why?
I have two females and one male and the male has been a biter since he was a duckling while the other two never have. They are a year old now and the male runs after me all the time and nibbles on my pants toes and feet but sometimes he bites my feet hard enough to bruise as well as my hands. He doesn't hiss at me but follows me everywhere trying to bite my toes, he only does this to me, nobody else. Why?

This may help it's for training ganders[geese] but you can use similar techniques for training your drake that he can not dominant you . https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/561849/geese-training/10. main thing is being consistent.
I have two females and one male and the male has been a biter since he was a duckling while the other two never have. They are a year old now and the male runs after me all the time and nibbles on my pants toes and feet but sometimes he bites my feet hard enough to bruise as well as my hands. He doesn't hiss at me but follows me everywhere trying to bite my toes, he only does this to me, nobody else. Why?

I haven't had that experience yet so can't offer any advice but I can say,
, a great place to be!
He may be imprinted on you. I have a male runner that did that with me in the beggining too. Once I learned not to be afraid of the biting and actually moved toward the bite to pet him, it stopped hurting as much and fixed my fears. He may simply be trying to tell you he loves you. This is what was going on with mine. He has gotten older now and isn't as interested in me as he used to be. Kinda makes me miss the chasing and biting..
He may be imprinted on you. I have a male runner that did that with me in the beggining too. Once I learned not to be afraid of the biting and actually moved toward the bite to pet him, it stopped hurting as much and fixed my fears. He may simply be trying to tell you he loves you. This is what was going on with mine. He has gotten older now and isn't as interested in me as he used to be. Kinda makes me miss the chasing and biting..

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