Why does my drake keep attacking my other drake?


Apr 23, 2023
I got this drake, for I have 5 ducks but one is female (planning on trading a male for another female. And my drake, poly, has never complained about it. Got along with everyone but he always tries to attack them when he meets another duck ignoring gender. This time I was stupid, I let the drake out immediately. I don’t know why I did.. I guess I wasn’t thinking. It caused chaos and since then my drake only picks on that one. Chasing him away, picking out feathers, jumping on him.. is there anyone to stop? He stops when I grab my poor baby marigold(the drake being picked on) but poly doesn’t care sometimes.

I’ve tried separating but it doesn’t change anything. Everyone else gets along just not poly. Is this normal? Will it stop? I don’t know how to fix it anymore
If you have 4 drakes and one duck, you can expect more problems. 'jumping on him'? He may be trying to breed the newcomer.
Maybe, but he seems to do that less. Now he mainly chases him away. Does he not want him in the flock and is trying to kick him out?

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